1.1. Objectives

1.       Get acquainted with operation and properties of single phase transformer;

2.       Acquire skills to measure transformer parameters and operating characteristics.


1.2. Tasks

1.       Analyze connection of measuring devices and parameters to be measured.

2.       Obtain experimentally operating characteristics and characteristic parameters of single phase transformer.

3.       Analyze the primary winding current shape variation at load change from zero to the rated one.


1.3. Fundamental Transformer Equations

A transformer is an electromagnetic device having two or more mutually coupled windings. A two-winding ideal transformer is shown in Fig. 1.1. The transformer is ideal in the sense that its core is lossless, it is infinitely permeable and has no leakage flux and that its windings have no losses.

The basic elements of the transformer are: core, primary winding N1, and the secondary winding N2.

If F is mutual flux linking N1 and N2 then according to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, EMF’s e1 and e2 are induced in N1 and N2 owing to a finite rate of change of F such as:







Fig. 1.1.Two-winding transformer



The direction of e1is such that produces a current which opposes the flux change according to Lenz’s law. The transformer being ideal, e1= v2, N1=N2, i1=i2.

Thus for current i1 entering the dotted terminal of coil 1, current i2 must leave the dotted terminal of coil 2 and is equal:



The current ratio in Eq. (1.1, 1.2) is the reciprocal of the voltage ratio.

Thus, if a transformer steps up voltage applied to coil 1, it steps down the current entering coil 1 by the same ratio, so that trans-former remains lossless. Such transformer is said to be ideal.



Fig. 1.2. Loaded transformer


Quite often centre-tapped ideal transformers shown in Fig. 1.3 are used. The second coil has a tap placed in the centre so that the voltage induced across the second coil:



is divided equally between two halves of that coil.



Fig. 1.3.Transformer with a central tap


This transformer can be used to provide two voltages which are opposite to each other in phase or polarity. The voltage at terminal a with respect to the centre tap is opposite in polarity to the voltage of terminal b with respect to the centre tap.


1.4. Method of testing

1.       Get acquainted with experimental circuit in Fig. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and measuring devices as well as the purpose of those.

2.       Check the switch of supply voltage to be in turned off position.

3.       Set the slider of rheostat to get the greatest value of resistance.

4.       Check the scale limits of measuring devices: do they fit values of the measured parameters: voltage 40V and cur-rent 5A.

5.       After fulfilling requirements of 1.1–1.3 items, connect the experimental circuit to supply voltage.

6.       Turn on supply voltage by automatic switch QF1.

7.       Test of transformer at no-load.

8.       Disconnect one wire of load rheostat to set up secondary current, equal to zero.

9.       Write readings of V1r , I10,  and V20 into Table.

10.  Redraw from measuring device METREL or computer screen the curves of voltage and current and calculate percentage of the third harmonic in the primary current.

11.  According to the experimental data calculate turns ratio and core losses.

12.  Short-circuit experiment.

13.  Set up slider of autotransformer in position to get the sup-ply voltage equal to zero. Check if the measuring device METREL shows voltage equal to zero.

14.  Connect the wire, being disconnected at no-load test and slider of the load rheostat setup in position, giving load resistane, equal to zero.

15.  By autotransformer AT slowly increase primary voltage while the secondary current will reach its rated value 5 A.

16.  Write in the table readings V1Sh, I1Sh, P1Sh and I2Sh .

17.  Redraw from measuring device METREL or computer screen the curves of voltage and current and calculate percentage of the third harmonic in the primary current.

18.  After short circuit experiment rebuild experimental circuit: slider of load rheostat set up in position of the greatest resistance and by autotransformer set up the rated volt-age 220V.

19.  Performance characteristics.

20.  Calculate power and efficiency for each load value and write data to the Table.

21.  Observe the variation of primary current shape and harmonic composition during loading transformer.

22.  Turn off the voltage by automatic switch QF after completing the experiment.


1.5. Content of report

1.       Task of the work and experimental circuit.

2.       Experimental data of transformer parameters at no load, short circuit and voltage regulation.

3.       Voltage regulation characteristics, plotted in the same figure: .

4.       Core losses and heat losses, turns ratio, relative short circuit voltage and relative voltage increment.

5.       Shapes of primary current for three load current values.

6.       Conclusions about: shape of primary current and its harmonical composition, change of voltage with load and its relative increment, variation of efficiency and power factor with load, core and heat losses – how many percents they constitute from the rated transformer power.


1.6. Control questions

1.       What changes in the loaded transformer comparing with transformer at no-load?

2.       Why does the secondary voltage reduce with increasing load?

3.       Plot the equivalent circuit of transformer and explain the physical meaning of circuit elements.

4.       Explain, what will happen with the transformer if there will be an air gap in its core.

5.       Explain, what will happen with the transformer if its core is made of solid iron.

6.       Why power factor  is not equal to zero at the load current equal to zero?

7.       What are the main reasons of primary current distortion at operation on no-load?

8.       What power does the transformer characterize?

9.       What losses do appear in the transformer?

10.   On what factors do the core losses depend?