Task 1▐ Discuss the questions.

·          What has been the biggest change in your life / job in the last year?

·          How easy or difficult has it been for you to deal with the change?



Task 2▐ Read the article and choose the best title to the text.

A. Can Business Growth Be Achieved Without Change?

B. How Sticking to Routines Leads to Success in Business

C. The Importance Of Embracing Change In Business


By Chad Wachter, Forbes Councils Member


As humans, we are creatures of habit. We tend to stick to routines and patterns and often resist change. This tendency can be particularly evident in the world of business, where many organizations and individuals continue to do the same things day after day, even when those things are no longer effective. However, if you want to achieve different results in your business, you must be willing to embrace change and try new things.

The idea that you cant expect different results by doing the same thing every day is not a new one. It was famously attributed to Albert Einstein, who defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. While Einstein wasnt specifically referring to business, his words hold true in any context. If you want to see different outcomes, you must be willing to try different approaches.

One reason why people may resist change is that it can be uncomfortable and uncertain. Its natural to feel comfortable in familiar surroundings and routines. However, its important to recognize that growth and progress often come from stepping outside of your comfort zone. By trying new things and embracing change, you can expand your horizons, develop new skills and discover innovative solutions to problems.

In the business world, change is not just importantits essential. Markets, technologies and customer needs are constantly evolving. If you want to stay competitive and relevant, you need to be willing to adapt and evolve as well. This means being open to new ideas, taking calculated risks and experimenting with different approaches.

One example of a company that successfully embraced change is Netflix. When the company first launched in 1997, it was primarily a DVD rental service. However, as technology evolved and streaming became more popular, Netflix recognized the need to adapt. The company shifted its focus to online streaming and now has more than 200 million subscribers worldwide.

Another example is Amazon. When the company started in 1994, it was primarily an online bookstore. However, founder Jeff Bezos recognized the potential of e-commerce and expanded the company to include a wide range of products and services. Today, Amazon is one of the largest retailers in the world, with a market capitalization of around $1 trillion.

In both of these examples, the companies recognized the need to embrace change and try new things. They didnt stick to the same business models and strategies that had worked in the past; instead, they were willing to take risks and experiment with new approaches.

Of course, change is not always easy. It can be challenging to break out of old habits and try something new. However, there are several strategies you can use to make the process smoother.

• Start small. You dont need to completely overhaul your business all at once. Start with small changes and gradually build up to larger ones.

• Take calculated risks. While it's important to be open to new ideas, it's also important to be strategic. Take calculated risks rather than jumping blindly into untested waters.

• Be adaptable. Recognize that change is inevitable, and be prepared to adapt as circumstances evolve.

• Keep an open mind. Dont be afraid to listen to new ideas, even if they challenge your existing beliefs or practices.

In conclusion, if you want to achieve different results in your business, you must be willing to embrace change and try new things. Doing the same thing every day will only lead to the same outcomes. By stepping outside of your comfort zone, taking calculated risks and being open to new ideas, you can drive growth and innovation in your business.


Task 3▐ Determine whether the following statements are true or false according to the text of the article.

1.   Humans are naturally resistant to change.

2.   People resist change because it is comfortable and certain.

3.   In the future, change will become less important in the business world.

4.   Markets, technologies, and customer demands are always changing.

5.   Netflix failed to adapt to changing market trends.

6.   Jeff Bezos was the first person to recognize the potential of e-commerce.

7.   Change is always easy.

8.   Being adaptable is crucial.



Task 4▐ Complete the text with missing words.

reasons, changes, performance, customers, introduce, competitive, implementing


The Importance of Change in Business

Change is a constant in the world of business, and there are several _______________(1) why businesses _______________(2) changes to their operations. One key reason is the need to stay _______________(3) in a fast-paced market. By adapting to new technologies, consumer trends, and industry standards, businesses can position themselves as industry leaders and meet the evolving demands of their _______________(4). Additionally, embracing change can lead to increased efficiency and productivity within the organization. By streamlining processes, updating systems, and _______________(5) new strategies, businesses can optimize their performance and drive growth. Furthermore, introducing _______________(6) can foster innovation and creativity among employees, leading to fresh ideas and new solutions to challenges. Overall, businesses introduce changes to stay relevant, improve _______________(7), and drive success in today's dynamic business landscape.


Task 5▐ Match the definitions with appropriate terms.


a. a specific target or objective that you aim to achieve within a certain timeframe.

b. having knowledge or understanding of a particular situation, issue or fact.

c. the reason or reasons why you do something, usually related to achieving a goal or fulfilling a need.

d. the act of opposing or refusing to accept something, especially a new idea or change.

e. information given about someone's performance or behaviour to help them improve.

f. the process of planning, implementing and monitoring changes in an organisation to achieve desired outcomes.



1. motivation

2. goal

3. resistance

4. feedback

5. change management

6. awareness


GRAMMAR USE ▐ Phrasal Verbs Word Order

In business English, phrasal verbs are commonly used to express various actions and concepts. A phrasal verb consists of a verb followed by one or more particles (usually prepositions or adverbs). When using phrasal verbs in sentences, its essential to understand the correct word order to convey the intended meaning clearly.

Verb + Particle: Intransitive phrasal verbs do not require an object after the particle (e.g. The meeting broke up early).

Verb + Object + Particle: Transitive phrasal verbs require an object between the verb and the particle (e.g. The manager called off the project).


Task 6▐ Identify whether each sentence uses the correct word order for the phrasal verb.

1.        The team came up with a new marketing strategy.

2.        The company put off the decision until next quarter.

3.        We need to follow up on the client's inquiry promptly.

4.        The manager set out the project objectives clearly.

5.        The CEO went over the financial report in detail.

6.        The department broke down the annual budget into smaller categories.

7.        They ran into unexpected issues during the implementation phase.

8.        The team looked into the potential risks before proceeding.

9.        We must carry out a review of the current processes.

10.   The sales team signed off on the contract with the client.


Task 7▐ Watch the video about 5 steps in change management process [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a-gnQVDHVVsnaUkwBZ1EV6n37kz9KVmO/view?usp=sharing] and choose the right summary.


1. In the video, it’s suggested that businesses should not evolve or adapt to challenges they face. Research indicates that most organizational change initiatives are successful, contradicting previous studies. Organizational change refers to minor adjustments in how a business operates, rather than significant alterations. Change management is not necessary for successful business operations.


2. In the video, the importance of businesses evolving and adapting to various challenges is emphasised. Research shows that many organizational change initiatives fail, highlighting the need for effective planning and implementation. Organizational change involves altering significant components of how a business is structured. Change management is crucial for guiding change from conception to resolution.


3. In the video, the focus is on the impact of technology advancements on businesses. It explores how businesses can leverage technology to stay competitive in the market. The video also discusses the importance of training employees to adapt to technological changes. However, it concludes with a call to action for businesses to invest more in research and development to drive innovation.



Task 8▐ Use an interactive polling tool to respond to the following statements related to change:

·        Change is necessary for business growth and adaptation.

·        Change introduces uncertainty and resistance within organizations.

·        Employees should be actively involved in the change process.

·        Leadership plays a critical role in successful change implementation.

After each statement, facilitate a brief discussion to share opinions and experiences.



Task 9▐ Research different one of the change management models commonly used in the business world (e.g., Kotter’s 8-Step Process, Lewin’s Change Management Model, ADKAR Model). Pprepare brief summaries of a chosen model, including its key principles and steps.  Present the findings to the class.